Activities 2024

Calendar  2024,

The Fort will be open at 01 pm on the dates listed below: 07 April - 05 May - 02 June - 07 July - 04 August - 01 September - 06 October

Special opening: 21 July from 10.00 to 16.00

Special activities without opening:
Commemoration : 29 May
Saint Barbara : 01 December

04th August,

Whether it's hot, cold or rainy, come and visit the fort. You'll be sheltered for a leisurely three-hour visit.

From 06 to 07 August,

a youth training course organised by the 12/13 Bn de Ligne will take place at the Fort. Access to the site is forbidden during this stay.

17th and 19th September,

An exercise is being organised on the Military Area. Access is prohibited, including in the woods on the Military Area

07th October,

The Defence organises an exercise. Access is forbidden to the entire Military Area.

15th and 16th October,

Defence visit to the Fort.
No access to the Military Area.

No Entreprise 414612147 © Amicale du Fort de Tancrémont - Rue des Combattants, 4800 VERVIERS
MàJ 2307

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